4 Herbal Medicine Tea Recipes to Boost Your Health
October 15, 2024
When it comes to modern day living, many of us have gotten away from nature in so many ways. Our homes are filled with electronics, our smartphones are always in hand, and when we are sick, we turn to our doctors for medicine which is made in labs. However, nature has so much to offer to humans. Not just in health, but for the sake of this blog, we will focus on the health benefits of plants found in nature. In this blog, we will outline four simple DIY herbal tea recipes that you can make at home to support longevity, immunity, and overall vitality.
One of the reasons our team love herbal tea recipes is because plants contain compounds that the body can recognize and use for supporting health. Many plants contain naturally balanced ratios of minerals and other co factors to help with absorption. This is not the case with drugs that contain synthetic isolated compounds.
Now, for these recipes, lets dive in…
Recipe 1 – Anti – Inflammatory Tea Recipe

Ingredient List:
- 1 cup water (spring water or filtered)
- 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder (or ginger freshly juiced)
- 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 tablespoon honey (optional)
- Juice of half a lemon
- 5 pumps of Liposomal Curcumin Tonic
- Add the ingredients to a cup of boiling water and enjoy.
This aromatic tea recipe is simple to make and delicious, that is, if you like the taste of turmeric. The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, has been extensively studied in clinical studies for it’s anti-inflammatory properties. We pair this ingredient with black pepper in this simple DIY anti-inflammatory tea recipe to help boost the absorption of the curcumin compound. After making this tea recipe, make sure to sit outside somewhere peaceful to sip and enjoy . If you wake up in the morning with achy joints or feel stiff, this recipe is perfect for you. Make sure to check with your doctor if you take any medications as turmeric can interact with certain blood thinners. Generally, check with your doctor before consuming any dietary supplement to be safe.
Recipe 2 - Liver Cleanse Tea Recipe
Ingredient List:
- 1 cup water (spring water of filtered)
- 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder (or ginger freshly juiced)
- 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon honey (optional)
- 1 dropperful of Liver Cleanse & Support Tonic (the amount drawn into the dropper when the bulb is squeezed and released once, the dropper fills about ½ way)
- Add the ingredients to a cup of boiling water and enjoy.
We all can become burdened by toxic overload in 2024. There are so many sources of toxins, from pesticides in food, to chlorine and fluoride in tap water, to microplastics in everything. This simple DIY liver cleanse tea recipe can be made first thing in the morning to help flush toxins from the liver and support liver cleansing and regeneration. Make sure you are not constipated for additional benefits from this recipe as the liver will dump toxins into the colon. To learn more about supporting healthy bowel movements, read this blog.
Recipe 3 - Breathe-Easy Lung Health Tea Recipe

- 1 cup water
- Juice of half a lemon
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 dropperful of Lung Clear & Support Tonic
- Add the ingredients to a cup of boiling water and enjoy.
Respiratory health is an area of health some people do not think about, while others are keenly aware of the importance of this body system. Respiratory and lung health issues effect many of us and people in humid or wet environments are more often effected by these types of health issues. This simple DIY lung health tea recipe helps to open up the airways and promote easy breathing. This DIY lung cleanse recipe also helps to clear mucus from the lungs and may contain anti-viral properties.
Recipe 4 - Immune-Boosting Herbal Tea Recipe

- 1 cup water
- 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder (or ginger freshly juiced)
- 1 tablespoon honey (optional)
- 1 dropperful of Daily Immunity Tonic
- Slice of lemon for garnish
Add the ingredients to a cup of boiling water and enjoy.
We are coming up on that time of year where we could all use a simple immune boost to help our immune systems fight the daily bombardment of toxins and antigens. Whether we have kids coming home from school bringing germs, or are traveling through crowded airports, exposure to germs is natural. One of our core beliefs as Zuma Nutrition is that the immune system needs to be armed daily. Through arming the immune system with specific nutrients, the immune system can do its job of protecting us from these antigens. This simple DIY Immune-Boosting Herbal Tea Recipe is easy to make and can be a daily staple to make it through cold and flu season.
As you can see from these recipes, we kept these pretty simple for you so that you can make them at home without having to go to many stores looking for ingredients. With a few key ingredients / products from your local co-ops, and these Zuma Nutrition Products, you can make all four of these recipes:
Make sure that you sit somewhere peaceful to sip, relax, and breathe deeply while you consume these herbal tea recipes.
True Health Starts with Feeding the Body