Best Herbs for Female Libido

Ginkgo Biloba Leaves on Plate

Libido is a person’s sexual drive or desire for sexual activity. It is influenced by many factors, such as attraction, age, diet, exercise, mental health, culture, emotional connection, and more.


In general, libido will naturally decrease gradually with age in both men and women. However, women are two to three times more likely to experience a decline in libido as they age. Lower libido is much more common in women starting as early as their late 40s and 50s.


It is also possible that libido is lower as a result of an underlying condition like diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver (liver scarring), heart disease, depression and hormonal imbalances. If you are experiencing lower libido or lack of sexual drive, it may be worth consulting with your doctor, especially if you are in a romantic relationship or if you want to have a higher libido but struggle to have sexual motivation or interest.


In this article, we are going to discuss the best herbs for female libido—as well as some other helpful tips for increasing sexual drive.


Take A Holistic Approach


Before going straight into the best herbs for female libido, let’s discuss some of the other factors that play a role. Part of the issue with many health approaches today is that they seek to suppress symptoms instead of get to the underlying root cause of those symptoms. If you heal the root cause, the symptoms will disappear. If you just seek to mask the symptoms, they will keep coming back until that root cause is treated.


Instead of just thinking “what supplement can I take to enhance libido?” consider why you might have low libido in the first place. This goes for other health issues as well. Instead of just thinking “what can I take to get rid of X?” consider “what dietary, lifestyle, psychological or environmental factors could have brought about X? And what can I do differently so that X is no longer a result of my actions or circumstances?”


That’s what we are going to discuss first, general diet, lifestyle, and psychological factors that could be influencing libido. To do this is to take a holistic approach, since it doesn’t just narrow in on one issue, but takes into account the whole of your health and the many factors that play a role in it.




When it comes to health, diet is obviously the cornerstone. What you eat can either contribute to your health, or contribute to your illness, and YOU are the one that decides what you eat, so you have control over this factor.


Of course, there is a big issue today that many of us face. We are exposed to so much information on health that it becomes confusing. You can find information on any food that says how good it is, or how bad it is. For example, you can find plenty of information on why a plant-based diet is good for you, and you can find plenty of information telling you why a plant-based diet is bad for you.


To navigate this confusion in the field of health information, try to stick to a few basic principles:


  • Eat natural food. Whether it’s plants, animal products, or a product on a shelf, consider if it is natural. Does it come from the Earth? Is it real food? Or is it some food-like product made in a factory?
  • Eat in a natural way. This is simple, yet it’s something many people don’t follow. Chew your food, be present with it instead of distracted or anxiously rushing through your meal. Give your body time to digest one meal before eating another. Avoid overeating. Enjoy your food and be grateful for it.
  • Give your body the nutrients it needs. Whatever the source may be, are you meeting your body’s nutritional requirements? Are you getting your carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals?
  • Avoid toxins. Toxins are everywhere in our environment and in our food supply. Chemicals, preservatives, fillers, pesticides, herbicides, GMOs, oxidized oils, artificial flavors, etc. Buy organic foods whenever possible. Read the labels on the back of foods and check for harmful ingredients.


When you take care of your body, give your body the nutrients it needs, and avoid toxins that damage your body, you will naturally be healthier, happier, more energetic and feel better. Your diet can play a major role in your libido, so aim to eat healthy and lead a healthy life.




The other cornerstone of health is lifestyle. Obviously, each person’s lifestyle is unique, but consider, does your way of life bring you health? Do you move your body? Do you exercise? Do you stretch? Do you get enough sleep? Do you spend time outside? Do you make time for relaxation and social connection? Are you happy? Or do you lead a sedentary lifestyle? Do you spend all your time inside or in high-stress environments? Are you sleep deprived? Do you isolate yourself and avoid connection with others?


Exercise, healthy social connection, sleep and stress levels play major roles in our health, and they play major roles in your libido as well.




Another major influence on libido is your mind and mental health. If you are depressed or stressed out for example, you are naturally going to have a lower sexual drive as a result.


In addition to mental health, your sexual drive may be lower based on certain cultural, religious, or personal beliefs—and these can go very deep. Our beliefs are something we are often blind to, as they are so close to home, such a foundation of our worldview, that we don’t often see our thoughts and perspectives on things are just one way of looking at them.


Sometimes, people hold personal beliefs that they are not worthy of a sexual partner, or they have fears that they can’t live up to the sexual expectations of another. They may also have religious beliefs that make them feel shameful for having sexual desires.


It’s important to understand that sexual desire is natural, healthy, and human—and if you suppress your sexual desire than it can lead to many psychological issues. Sexuality is something that is somewhat taboo in our culture, and it’s no surprise why many people have an unhealthy relationship with their sexuality.


Try to explore your sexuality with curiosity, and responsibility. At its core (outside of being a means of reproduction), sexuality is all about connection—to another human being and connection to yourself. It is also about pleasure as well, but if the pleasure is primary and connection secondary, it tends to result in sexual addictions and heartbreaks. Try making the connection primary and pleasure, plus a much deeper feeling of joy, will arise out of that.


Try to connect deeper to your sexual partner on an emotional level. After all, you are connecting with another human being! It is a very beautiful, personal, and vulnerable act. Because of this, it is recommended to be mindful and responsible about your sexuality.


Try to connect with yourself on a deeper emotional level as well. What do you really desire? What is it you are really looking for? What do you really enjoy? Getting to know yourself and your own sexuality is the best way to have your needs and desires met by your sexual partner.


When you release the pressure to perform a certain way, let go of the shame or guilt you may have around sexuality, and try to really connect with the other person, your libido and sexuality will naturally be higher. After all, who really desires to be sexual if sex is seen as a source of stress, anxiety, shame, guilt, or other emotional pain?


And if you suffer from a mental health disorder that is influencing your libido, try speaking with your doctor about it. Also consider focusing more on the dietary and lifestyle tips mentioned above, as your psychological state may be a result of a biochemical imbalance that could be repaired with the right dietary and lifestyle behaviors.


What Herbs Are Good for Female Libido?


Now that we’ve explored the other root causes of low libido, let’s dive into what herbs are good for female libido. These natural herbs for female libido enhancement can be taken in addition to the changes in diet, lifestyle, and mindset above. If done in this holistic approach, you are most likely to see the best results.


  1. Ginkgo Biloba


Ginkgo Biloba Leaves in Bowl


Ginkgo biloba is a species of tree that is native to China, and has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Ginkgo is commonly used for enhancing brain function, but it may enhance libido as well.


Research on ginkgo suggests that it may be a natural aphrodisiac. This is largely because of the same reason why it is so useful as a brain health supplement—circulation. Studies on ginkgo show that it has an ability to enhance circulation in the body. Most studies observe these effects on blood flow to the brain, but it may increase blood flow to sexual organs as well, which could be responsible for its libido-enhancing properties.


  1. Saffron


Saffron on Spoon


Saffron is a spice derived from the flower of Crocus sativus. It has a powerful smell and flavor that is a result of powerful compounds in it. Some of these compounds may also influence sexual arousal and desire.


Saffron has long been used as an aphrodisiac in India, and some scientific research backs it up. One study, for example, found that in 4 weeks of taking saffron, women experienced significant improvements in sexual arousal.


  1. Fenugreek


Fenugreek Seeds on Spoon


Fenugreek is an herb native to India that has long been used as a culinary spice and herbal medicine. We use it in our Liposomal Curcumin Tonic as it helps to active and enhance the effectiveness of the curcumin compound found in turmeric.


Fenugreek may also be used as a natural herb to enhance female libido. Many anecdotal reports have claimed this, and one study has also concluded that it may be effective for increasing female sex drive.


  1. Puncture Vine


Puncture Vine Growing in the Wild


Puncture vine (Tribulus terrestris), also known as goathead or bindii, is an annual plant that can be found growing around the world in many places. It is also another herbal supplement that may be effective for increasing female libido. A 4-week study observing its libido-enhancing effects in 60 women found that those who took the extract reported an improvement in their sexual desire, arousal, and satisfaction.


  1. Ginseng


Ginseng Roots on Cutting Board


Ginseng is the root of plants in the genus Panax. There are many types of ginseng, all of which are characterized by the presence of compounds called ginsenosides and gintonin in their roots. However, Panax ginseng, also known as Asian ginseng, Chinese ginseng, or Korean ginseng, has been used for centuries for enhancing libido.


Studies on ginseng have also found that it improves sexual desire and arousal in both sexes, making it a natural aphrodisiac that has been clinically-studied for its libido-enhancing effects.




Libido is a person’s sexual drive or desire for sexual activity. It is influenced by many factors, such as attraction, age, diet, exercise, mental health, culture, emotional connection, and more.


Typically, as women age they experience a gradual decrease in their libido. The degree of this decrease in libido varies from person to person, but lower libido is much more common in women starting as early as their late 40s and 50s.


When it comes to enhancing libido, it is important to take a holistic approach for the best results. A holistic approach to enhancing libido includes considering dietary, lifestyle, psychological and environmental factors that may be playing a role in one’s sexual drive and desire.


In addition to this, taking herbs for libido enhancement can be useful too. Some of the top herbs for enhancing female libido include:


  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Saffron
  • Fenugreek
  • Puncture vine
  • Ginseng


Make sure to get these herbs from organic sources whenever possible.


When you take good care of your body and mind, and understand the factors that influence libido, you are in a better position to enhance your libido naturally, rather than just looking for a pill or a quick-fix. Like so many health issues, taking a holistic approach with libido is always better than just seeking to get rid of the symptoms.


Of course, if you struggle with libido issues it could be caused by an underlying condition, so it is recommended to speak to your doctor for further examination.






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