What Is Candida Albicans? Understanding Fungal Infections

What Is Candida Albicans? Understanding Fungal Infections

Candidiasis (commonly referred to as Candida infection) is a health issue that many people suffer from—and one that many people are also unaware that they have. Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by a yeast (a type of fungus) called CandidaCandida normally lives on the skin and inside the body, in places such as the mouth, throat, gut, and vagina, without causing any problems. However, if Candida grows out of control or enters into places deep in the body (such as the bloodstream or internal organs like the kidney, heart, or brain), it can cause an infection that can lead to numerous health issues.


Different Types of Candida

Candida species are the most common causes of fungal infection, and approximately 90% of infections are caused by five species of Candida:


  • Candida albicans,
  • Candida glabrata,
  • Candida tropicalis,
  • Candida parapsilosis,
  • Candida


What Is Candida Albicans?


The most common species of Candida is Candida albicans. Candida albicans is part of our natural microflora — the microorganisms that commonly live in or on our bodies. There are many different types of fungi living on or in the body, and most of the time these fungi cause no issues, but it is possible for fungal overgrowths and infections to happen—usually as a result of dietary and lifestyle factors that inhibit the balance of gut bacteria and feed the growth of the yeast.


Candida is the most common cause of fungal infections in humans. Candida albicans can be found on the skin, and in the mucous membranes of the mouth, intestines, and vagina. Its species name, albicans, comes from the Latin word for “white.” The yeast appears white when cultured on a plate, and in the case of certain infections, like thrush, also known as oral trush, it can also create white patches on the skin or gums.


Candida infections are typically a mild health issue, but in rare cases, this yeast overgrowth may spread through other parts of the body if a person’s immune system is not functioning properly. In the most severe cases it can affect the blood, the membrane lining the heart muscle (endocardium), or membranes around the brain (meninges).


Though people can live with a Candida infection for a long time without it having significant impacts on their health, it is still recommended to treat the infection as soon as possible, as it can lead to further health issues if left untreated.


Common Causes of Candida Overgrowth


There are a few factors that can lead to Candida overgrowth. Some common ones include:


  • Taking antibiotics
  • Consuming alcohol, especially high amounts of alcohol
  • A diet high in sugar and refined carbs
  • A weakened immune system
  • Diabetes
  • Taking oral contraceptives
  • High stress levels


Symptoms and Common Signs of Candida


When Candida begins to overproduce, it can lead to various health problems. Some of the common signs and symptoms of Candida overgrowth include fatigue, food cravings, oral thrush, digestive issues, joint pain, acne, UTI problems, skin and nail fungal infections, sinus infections, among other issues. Read this blog to learn more about the most common signs and symptoms of Candida.


Other Types of Candida Infections

If Candida albicans enter your bloodstream, they can cause serious infections not only in your blood but in other organs as well:

  • Neutropenia—An important risk factor for developing more invasive Candida conditions is neutropenia. This is when there are abnormally low levels of cells called neutrophils in your blood. It can make you more prone to infections. People that are commonly affected by neutropenia include people undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and people with leukemia or other bone marrow diseases. Individuals that have neutropenia and an invasive Candida infection have different treatment recommendations.


  • Candidemia—This is a blood infection with Candida It can lead to long hospital stays and an increase in mortality due to concurrent conditions. Risk factors for candidemia include, immunosuppression, major surgery, placement of medical device such as a catheter or feeding tube, and the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics.


  • Endocarditis—Fungal endocarditis is a very serious condition with a high mortality rate. It is an infection of the inner lining of your heart, including the heart chambers and valves. Candida albicans is responsible for 24 to 46 percent of all cases of fungal endocarditis. Risk factors for developing this condition include a weakened immune system, heart abnormalities or defects, prolonged antibiotic use, cardiovascular surgery, or the implantation of medical devices.


  • Endophtalmitis—an inflammation of the eye that can be caused by fungus, this condition can lead to loss of vision. Candida albicans is the most common Candida species involved, although Candida tropicalis can also cause the infection. Risk factors for endophthalmitis are recent hospitalization or surgery, a weakened immune system, or having a medical device such as a catheter or IV inserted.


  • Meningitis—Meningitis is the inflammation of the tissues that surround your brain and spinal cord. Fungal meningitis can occur when fungus travels through the blood to your spinal cord. Fungal meningitis cause by Candida is often acquired within a hospital. Factors that can put you at risk for meningitis caused by Candida can include immunosuppression, certain medications such as antibiotics, immunosuppressants, or corticosteroids, a recent surgical procedure.


  • Intra-Abdominal Candidiasis—Also referred to as Candida peritonitis, this condition is an inflammation of the lining of the inner abdomen caused by a yeast infection. The condition is most commonly caused by Candida albicans although other Candida species can cause it as well. Some risk factors for developing intra-abdominal candidiasis include a recent abdominal surgery or procedure, undergoing peritoneal dialysis, antibiotic therapy, conditions such as diabetes.


  • Osteomyelitis & Fungal Arthritis—Osteomyelitis is a bone infection while fungal arthritis (also called septic arthritis) is a fungal infection of a joint. Both conditions can be caused by Candida species, although this is rare. Bacterial infections are more common. Risk factors for developing these conditions can include having a weakened immune system, experiencing a recent bone injury or orthopedic procedure, having an IV or a catheter, conditions such as diabetes.


How Are Candida Infections Diagnosed?


In order to diagnose candidiasis, your doctor will first take your medical history and ask about your symptoms, as well as if you have any other conditions or medications that could lead to a weakened immune system, or if you’ve taken a course of antibiotics recently.


In many cases, candidiasis can be diagnosed through a physical examination alone, but if your doctor is uncertain if your symptoms are due to a Candida infection, they may take a sample from the affected area that can then be used to culture the organism to identify what species it is. For example, if candidemia is suspected, your doctor will collect a blood sample for testing.


Identifying the species of Candida that’s causing your infection is helpful because your doctor will be able to prescribe an antifungal medication that will be effective in treating that particular species.


How to Treat Candida


While it is recommended to seek medical advice if you have candida symptoms, mild cases of candidiasis can be treated at home. The way you treat a candida infection depends on what kind of infection you have. However, there are some general guidelines for treatment.


Like most forms of illness, the best way to treat candidiasis and prevent recurring infections is to address the underlying cause. The food you eat plays a critical role in maintaining the balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in your gut. A diet high in refined sugars, carbs and high-lactose dairy products can encourage Candida and other “bad” microorganisms to grow in the body. Eating too many of these foods may also promote infection if you have a suppressed immune system. To learn more about what diet to eat to cleanse candida, read our blog "Candida Detox Diet".


Just as some foods can contribute to a growth of “bad” bacteria that allow the overgrowth of candida, certain foods have also been shown to specifically encourage “good” bacteria to grow that inhibit the growth of Candida. Many people suffering from candida choose to go on the “Candida Diet” and often see promising results.


The following foods are some of the foods included in the Candida diet, and have been shown to help fight Candida infections:


  • Probiotics—Probiotics are a great support to anyone looking to restore the balance of beneficial gut bacteria in their gut microbiome. Beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus may reduce Candida growth and protect against infections. Our Zuma Nutrition Multi Strain Probiotic Complex is an effective probiotic formula that contains clinically researched strains of probiotics. 


  • Garlic—Garlic contains a substance called allicin that has anti-fugal properties, and has been shown in animal and test-tube studies to act against Candida.


  • Coconut oil—Coconut oil is high in lauric acid, which has been shown to fight Candida infections in multiple test-tube studies. 


  • Aloe vera—Some studies have shown that Aloe vera gel may inhibit the
    growth of Candida in the mouth and prevent infections.


  • Turmeric—Turmeric is a common culinary spice with many health benefits. Much of these health benefits are attributed to curcumin, the active compound in turmeric. Test-tube studies show that curcumin also has the potential to kill Candida yeasts, or at least reduce their growth. For a therapeutic curcumin formula, our Liposomal Curcumin Tonic is a one of a kind craft formula that contains three different types of turmeric, rich in bioavailable forms of curcumin.


Candida Cleanse Tonic


In order to support the elimination of Candida and to help restore healthy levels of the Candida fungus in the body, we have created our Candida Cleanse Tonic that contains carefully selected herbs with specific compounds that support the cleansing of candida fungus and other fungal organisms.



The herbs in this tonic have strong anti-fungal properties, as well as properties that aid in the health of the liver, digestive system, and immune system, all of which are important for restoring balance in the body and treating fungal infections like Candida overgrowth. The herbs in this formula are either wildcrafted or organically and biodynamically grown, and work together synergistically to provide a truly supportive formula for assisting with candida overgrowth.



A Candida infection (candidiasis) is a common health issue that many people suffer from. Candida is a type of fungus that normally lives on the skin and inside the body, in places such as the mouth, throat, gut, and vagina, without causing any problems. However, if Candida grows out of control or enters into places deep in the body it can cause an infection that can lead to numerous health issues.


There are different types of Candida, but 90% of Candida infections are caused by five types, with the most common type being Candida albicans. Candida is the most common cause of fungal infections in humans. It is typically mild, but if it is left untreated it may have significant impacts on one’s health.


Common causes of Candida overgrowth include taking antibiotics, consuming alcohol, eating a diet high in sugar and refined carbs, having a weakened immune system, diabetes, taking oral contraceptives, or having high stress levels.


While the exact way you treat Candida infections depends on what kind of Candida infection you have, there are some general ways to treat an infection. Typically, these focus around diet, and eating foods that both effect the infection with anti-fungal properties and also help to restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut.


Candida infections often are unnoticed and go untreated, leading to further health issues. If you suspect you may have a Candida infection, it is recommended to schedule a checkup with your doctor and to take proactive measures to rid your body of the infection and to restore your health.











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