Parasite Detox Diet and Anti Parasite Diet Food List
October 30, 2024
What Diet to Follow While Eliminating Parasites
Parasitic infections are very common across the globe and do not just exist in 3rd world countries. It seems that every time the CDC comes out with new global numbers of parasitic infections (these are estimates), the estimate increases.
There are a variety of different types of parasitic infections ranging from worms, to amoebas, many of these parasites are microscopic.
If opting for the natural route to eliminate parasitic infections, we recommend to consult your doctor prior to taking this route. The natural route to eliminate parasitic infections usually focuses on taking anti-parasitic herbs and following an anti-parasitic diet. This diet our team will call the Parasite Detox Diet or Anti-Parasite Diet, and the purpose of this blog will be to outline this diet.
Our team also have all of this information outlined in our Para-Clear Protocol Guide which can be downloaded here.
First, a Few Notes on Getting Rid of Parasites
As mentioned, prior, please seek medical guidance for parasitic infections and work with a licensed practitioner or doctor to oversee the process.
One of these reasons that the dietary recommendations during this cleanse are so important is because this cleanse program is 90 days long, and through optimizing diet for 90 days, one can improve their gut health, creating a healthier environment for good bacteria to thrive and bad bacteria to be eliminated. One of the best ways to combat harmful organisms in the gut is through this sort of terrain management and building a healthy environment in the gut over extended periods of time.
What is the Parasite Detox Diet / Parasite Cleanse Diet?
While following our Para-Clear Protocol PDF Guide the diet is just as crucial as the dietary supplements in the cleanse. We will outline the Parasite Detox Diet in this blog.
This blog will include the most beneficial dietary tips and meal plan examples, including the top foods that kill parasites in humans, that you can consider when doing a parasite cleanse diet.
We'll also include some simple DIY parasite cleanse diet recipes. The main focus for an anti parasite diet is including anti-parasitic foods, and avoiding foods that contribute to a parasitic environment and bad gut health. It is also important to avoid certain negative food habits (like overeating) and consuming excessive sugar.
How Do You Follow the Parasite Detox Diet?
Follow the steps we outline below to follow the Parasite Detox Diet / Parasite Cleanse Diet. We will dive in below.
Step #1 - Eat Anti-Parasitic Foods

Certain foods contain anti-parasitic / anthelmintic properties, these foods are beneficial to consume during this cleanse program. It is important to note that foods alone do not necessarily contain the anthelmintic in therapeutic enough doses to have a cleansing effect, but when combined with the rest of the steps in the cleanse program, they may support gut health and overall detoxification. Here are our favorite Anti-Parasitic foods below:
- Garlic
- Onion
- Honey
- Pumpkin seeds
- Dates
- Pomegranate
- Papaya seeds
- Dandelion greens
- Lettuce
- Broccoli
- Kale
- Pineapple
- Coconut
- Carrots
- Sunflower seeds
- Fermented foods
- Stone ground mustard
- Coconut Oil
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Turmeric
- Ginger
- Cinnamon
- Cayenne Pepper
- Chili spices
- Curry spices
- Cloves
- Thyme
- Oregano
- Neem
During this 90 day cleanse program, include these foods into recipes when you can.
Step #2 - Avoid Added Sugars

Regarding crucial steps of foods to avoid while following the Parasite Cleanse Diet, avoiding added sugars is perhaps the most crucial, make sure to avoid refined sugars. Many harmful microorganisms use sugars as a primary source of food and energy, so limiting or eliminating these sugars from your diet can be beneficial in the process of improving gut health and eliminating these harmful organisms.
Due to the way our food system works, sugars / refined sugars are prevalent in almost every food you might buy in the grocery store. Even bread!! Crazy right? In Europe, Subway was turned down the right to call their “bread” as “bread” because the bread subway uses contains sugar and other ingredients that should not be present in fresh bread. Point of story? Make sure to check the back of the ingredient labels in the foods you purchase. Additionally, try to stick to the outer edges of the markets you shop at. The produce section and the meat section are safer areas to shop, while the middle sections often contain refined / denaturized foods that are not in their natural form.
We have outlined some foods below that most often contain added sugars for you to avoid while following this anti-parasite diet:
- soda / pop
- energy drinks
- sports drinks
- sauces
- condiments
- salad dressings
- fruit juices
- fruit (more notes on this later)
- teas
- cereals
- bread
- candy
- grain-based desserts
- pastries
- dairy desserts
- syrups
- toppings
- packaged and processed foods
We recommend limiting your sugar intake to the morning when you can eat a small amount of low glycemic fruit (or cut out entirely for this 90 day cleanse program). We also recommend avoiding stevia, xylitol, erythritol and other sweeteners on the Parasite Detox Diet.
Step #3 - Make Sure to Consume Plenty of Fiber
One of the most important steps to healthy detoxification is to make sure your body is eliminating properly and not constipated. Consuming foods rich in fiber can help support this process and provide more smooth elimination. When it comes to fiber, there are two main types of fiber to consider – soluble fiber and insoluble fiber.
Soluble fiber is also considered prebiotic fiber, and provides the food for healthy bacteria in the intestines to flourish. Soluble fiber also provides numerous other health benefits. Here are a few soluble fiber rich foods to include during your parasite cleanse diet:
- Raspberries
- Carrots
- Oat Bran
- Kidney beans
- Lima Beans
- Psyllium Husks
The other type of fiber is insoluble fiber, which helps to promote regularity with bowel movements and provides numerous other crucial benefits for digestion. We recommend consuming plenty of insoluble fiber during this cleanse program to promote bowel movements and healthy detoxification. Here is a simple list of insoluble fiber rich foods to include in your diet to help eliminate parasites:
- Brown Rice
- Quinoa
- Millet Rice
- Whole Wheat
- Raw Spinach
- Brussel Sprouts
- Flax Seeds
Foods that are naturally high in fiber:
- Chia seeds
- Chickpeas
- Figs
- Prunes
- Psyllium husks
- Beans
- Broccoli
- Flaxseed
- Berries
- Lentils
- Avocados
- Whole grains
- Apples
- Carrots
- Brown rice
- Bran cereal
- Oatmeal
- Pears
- Bananas
- Beets
- Artichoke
- Brussels Sprouts
- Quinoa
- Popcorn
- Almonds
- Sweet potatoes
Step #4 - Eat Low-Starch Vegetables

While our parents always recommended to eat your vegetables, we are going to get a little more specific than that. We recommend while following the Parasite Detox Diet to limit the intake of high starch vegetables and instead focus on consuming low starch vegetables.
Examples of high starch vegetables to reduce during this diet include:
- white potatoes
- yams
- sweet potatoes
- corn
- peas
- beans
You do not have to remove these vegetables from your diet completely. However, don't eat too many of them and favor mostly green, low-starch vegetables. Focus on eating nutrient-dense vegetables that have lower calories.
Here are some examples of low starch vegetables to include in your diet during this cleanse:
- spinach
- dandelion greens
- kale
- cherry tomatoes
- bell peppers
- zucchini
- cucumber
- cauliflower
- brussels sprouts
- broccoli
When shopping for these vegetables, buy organic and cook them with good oils! Bad oils can make any healthy meal into an inflammatory nightmare; for more information on how to find healthy cooking oils, read this blog.
Step #5 - Eat Fruits That Are Low In Sugar

While it is recommended to avoid fruits that are high in sugar, it is okay to include some low-sugar fruits in the diet. In fact, some low-sugar fruits like lemons, limes, and coconuts actually contain powerful anti-parasitic properties.
It is recommended to remove these high-sugar fruits from the diet entirely during your 90 day parasite cleanse:
- bananas
- mangos
- cantaloupe
- grapes
- figs
These fruits can be included during your cleanse daily:
- lemons
- limes
- coconut
- papaya seeds (has strong antiparasitic properties)
- pomegranate
- avocados
These fruits should be eaten in moderation in the morning before any proteins:
- blueberries
- raspberries
- strawberries
- blackberries
- cherries
- apples
- dates (while dates are high in natural sugar, they also contain antiparasitic properties)
We recommend eating before a protein because protein requires some time to digest, which simple sugars can make more difficult. In the morning you are in a fasted state, which is ideal for consuming simple sugars.
Step #6 - Include Prebiotic Foods in Your Diet
Prebiotic foods are indigestible carbs that help feed beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. To learn more about prebiotics, read our blog about prebiotics.
Prebiotic foods are very beneficial for gut health. While some prebiotic foods contain sugar, the list of foods below contains beneficial prebiotic foods that are low in sugar.
Try to include these prebiotic foods while following this diet:
- oats
- garlic
- onions
- leeks
- dandelion greens
- asparagus
- chicory root
- jerusalem artichoke
- barley
- flax seeds
- jicama root
- burdock root
- cacao

It is recommended to eat plenty of vegetables on the Parasite Detox Diet as they often contain prebiotic fibers that support gut health.
Step #7 - Include Probiotic Foods in Your Diet
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that support a healthy balance in your gut microbiome. Having a healthy gut terrain is essential for preventing parasitic infections. It also contributes to your overall health and immunity in numerous ways. Supplementing with a clinical-grade probiotic supplement is very beneficial for eliminating parasitic infections. In addition to taking this probiotic, it is also recommended to include probiotic-rich foods in your diet.
Examples of probiotic-rich fermented foods include:
- yogurt
- kimchi
- sauerkraut
- kombucha
- kefir
- pickles
- miso
- kvass
- olives
- apple cider vinegar

When consuming these foods, be sure the foods contain live cultures, as the pasteurization process can kill these beneficial bacteria. Labels that have terms like "live cultures," "probiotic," "raw," and "unpasteurized" are good signs that the product contains live bacteria.
Step #8 - Avoid Gluten
Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat, rye, barley, and triticale – a cross between wheat and rye. Gluten helps foods maintain their shape, acting as a glue that holds food together. It is well-known as an allergen for those with Celiac disease. Still, increasing evidence shows that gluten affects the health of more than just people with Celiac disease.

New research shows that gluten triggers the production of zonulin. This pro-inflammatory protein can be hard on the gut and can contribute to gut inflammation, which may interfere with healing the gut. While following our Parasite Detox Diet, try to avoid gluten. If you need to include bread, opt for freshly made sourdough bread, which is fermented and easier to digest. If possible, eliminate gluten entirely during this 90 day protocol.
Step #9 - Cut Back on Alcohol
Alcohol may be one of the most commonly used intoxicants. Still, it also has many adverse health effects, including harming your gut health.
Numerous very clear studies show that alcohol leads to numerous gut health issues. Alcohol can harm the beneficial bacteria in your gut. It can also negatively affect your immune system and can contribute to gut inflammation.
You want your body to be as healthy as possible while cleansing parasites. Cutting back on alcohol, or removing it from your diet completely, is a great way to support your health and ensure a more effective parasite cleanse.
Step #10 - Make Sure You Are Getting These Key Nutrients
Parasites are organisms that feed on the nutrients inside us, which means that they compete with our bodies for the nutrients we consume. Over time, they can cause nutrient deficiencies if we do not get rid of them and replenish the important nutrients that we’ve lost.
Some parasites may block the absorption of certain nutrients. Roundworms and giardia, for example, may interfere with the absorption of Vitamin A. Fish tapeworms compete with their host for vitamin B12. It is therefore important to focus on including certain nutrients in your diet to make up for possible deficiencies and to parasite cleanse side effects, namely:
Vitamin A
Healthy Food Sources of Vitamin A Include:
- Organic Red Bell Pepper
- Organic Carrots
- Organic Kale
- Organic Spinach
- Organic Broccoli
- Organic Brussel Sprouts
- Cod Liver Oil (Sourcing is essential with Cod Liver Oil, we recommend Rosita Brand)
- Pasture-Raised Eggs
- Ruminant Animal Organ Meats
- Grass-Fed Butter
- Raw Dairy (be cautious of your sourcing)
B Vitamins
Healthy Food Sources of B Vitamins include:
- Bee Pollen
- Stabilized Rice Bran
- Grass-Fed Beef Liver
- Organic Chlorella
- Organic Spirulina
- Organic Kale
- Organic Parsley
- Organic Kelp
- Grass-Fed Beef
- Grass-Fed Lamb
- Pasture-Raised Chicken
- Wild-Caught Fish
- Ruminant Animal Organ Meats
- Organic Nuts and Seeds
Vitamin B12
Healthy Food Sources of B12 include:
- Ruminant Animal Organ Meats
- Grass-Fed Beef
- Wild Caught Fish (be careful with heavy metals)
- Raw Dairy (be cautious of your sourcing)
- Pasture-Raised Eggs
It is also recommended to consume sufficient unprocessed oils, such as 100 percent expeller pressed olive, hemp, sesame and flax oils, as these lubricate the gastrointestinal tract and serve as carriers for fat-soluble vitamin A.
In addition, it is encouraged to focus on boosting immune system health with beneficial nutrients to fight off parasitic infections and to support your body during cleansing. Aim to include in your diet supplements or foods rich in:
Vitamin C
Healthy Food Sources of Vitamin C Include:
- Organic Citrus Fruits
- Organic Amla Berries
- Organic Rose Hips
- Organic Kakadu Plum
- Organic Guavas
- Organic Guava Leaves
- Organic Bell Peppers
- Organic Acerola Cherries
Vitamin D
Healthy Food Sources of Vitamin D include:
- Cod Liver Oil
- Wild Caught Salmon
- Grass-Fed Beef Liver
- Wild Caught Tuna
- Pasture-Raised Egg Yolks
- Wild Mushrooms
We recommend making sure you are not deficient in any essential vitamins, nutrients, or minerals and making sure you are getting ample sunlight before taking vitamin D supplements. If you opt for a vitamin D supplement, make sure it is a D + K2 Complex. The vitamin K2 is important for the bioavailability of Vitamin D.
Vitamin E
Healthy Sources of Vitamin E Include:
- Wheat Germ Oil
- Cod Liver Oil
- Pasture-Raised Eggs
- Organic Pine Nuts
- Wild Caught Salmon
- Organic Brazil Nuts
- Organic Red Bell Pepper
- Organic Avocado
- Organic Spinach
- Organic Sunflower Seeds
Vitamin K2
Healthy Food Sources of Vitamin K2 include:
- Organic Kale
- Organic Mustard Greens
- Organic Swiss chard
- Organic Spinach
- Organic Broccoli
- Grass-Fed Beef Liver
- Organic Kiwi
- Raw Dairy (be cautious of your sourcing)
- Organic Avocado
- Organic Beet Greens
- Organic Parsley
- Organic Cabbage
Healthy sources of Zinc include:
- Guava leaves
- Legumes
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Eggs
- Raw dairy (be cautious of your sourcing)
- Shellfish (especially oysters)
- Whole grains
- Naturally raised meat
Healthy sources of Selenium include:
- Brazil nuts
- Eggs
- Seafood
- Organ meats
- Poultry
Aside from getting the key nutrients mentioned above, it is recommended to focus on eating a nutrient-dense diet overall. This will support your body during the cleanse and help prevent nutrient deficiencies.
Step #11 - Eat Foods That Improve Gut Health
An important part of the Parasite Detox Diet is to eat less of the foods that lead to inflammation and more of the foods that reduce inflammation and promote healing.
Eating a diet rich in vegetables, low-sugar fruits, healthy proteins and fats, and fermented foods is essential for reducing inflammation and restoring gut health.
Here are some gut nourishing foods to include in your diet daily:
- Organic Low Glycemic Fruits (See Above)
- Organic Celery Juice
- Organic Cabbage Juice
- Well Sourced Bone broth
- Coconut Oil
- Onion
- Garlic
- Asparagus
- Sauerkraut
- Ginger
Step #12 - Focus on Nutrition
If your diet has included processed foods, soft drinks, chips, desserts, and other junk foods, the Parasite Detox Diet will dramatically improve your nutrition. Foods like vegetables, fruits, and healthy proteins are more nutritious and help improve your health and well-being.
As you follow the Parasite Detox Diet, reflect on your dietary choices and commit to making food choices that improve your quality of health. Some ways you can do this include:
- Eat whole foods and foods in their natural form whenever possible
- Eat more produce (fruits and vegetables)
- Buy organic whenever possible
- Strive to buy local and in-season foods when possible, as they are generally fresher and more nutritious
- Learn about the foods you eat and focus on foods that are rich in nutrients
Step #13 - Drink Mineral Rich Water

Drinking sufficient quantities of water and staying hydrated are essential to your health. It's also crucial for helping your body eliminate parasitic infections. Your body needs water to function, and when you don't get enough water, it can impair your health.
We recommend drinking reverse osmosis filtered water that contains the trace minerals in our fulvic acid & trace ocean minerals product. These minerals are added to the water after being filtered. If you can get spring water from a pure natural spring or can obtain it from your local market, this is another great option for high-quality drinking water. .
Aim to drink 3-5 liters of water per day during this cleanse protocol.
Step #14 - Supplement with Magnesium Daily
Magnesium is an essential mineral needed for over 300 enzyme reactions in the body. The average person is extremely deficient in magnesium. If you are often stressed-out, your magnesium burn rate is likely very high. We recommend diluting ionic magnesium into your drinking water a few times a day to avoid deficiencies.
Step #15- Space Out Your Meals to Allow For Proper Digestion
Aim to space out your meals to allow for about three hours between each meal. Spacing out your meals allows the full digestive process to take place. Try not to snack every time you are hungry and instead make herbal tea or drink mineral-rich water. Your hunger could also be coming from dehydration or from your body cleansing itself.
Step #16- Balance Blood Sugar
Blood sugar is a complex subject, but here are a few essential tips. Eat protein, fat, and carbohydrates with each meal. Eat lower glycemic vegetables, and only have your fruit on an empty stomach in the morning. If you suffer from blood sugar imbalance issues, consider taking a bitter melon extract supplement or a Ceylon cinnamon supplement. Apple cider vinegar can also be beneficial.
Step #17 - Focus on Digestion
Digestion is a process that breaks food down to a size that is small enough for it to be absorbed in the small intestine. This process is complex and takes hours, depending on what you have eaten. Therefore, focusing on digestive health is extremely important for improving gut health long term.
Here are some tips to improve digestion:
- eat slowly and mindfully
- eat fruit on an empty stomach only (usually in the morning in a fasted state)
- avoid sugar other than fructose
- take digestive bitters a few minutes before a meal.
Step #18 - Foods to Avoid With Parasites

Additionally, it is best to stay away from foods that can be a potential source of parasites, especially while on a cleanse. Some possible foods with parasites include:
- Raw fish (sushi)
- Raw meat
- Undercooked meat
- Unwashed fruits and vegetables
- Contaminated water
Step #19 - Avoid Overeating
One of the most important things to do while on a parasite detox (or really any cleanse for that matter) is to avoid overeating. Eating large amounts of food may strain your digestive system and lead to indigestion of food.
Overeating can lead to buildup of waste in the colon, and this buildup of waste creates the perfect environment for parasites and other toxic organisms. When we do a cleanse, we want to eliminate this waste—not add to it! Therefore, it is essential not to overeat, but to only eat moderate amounts of food and to stop as soon as you start to feel full (or even before).
Summarizing Your Good Foods List
In summary, here is a list of foods that have been mentioned in this article as good foods to eat to get rid of parasitic infection. Later in this article, we will use this food list to build out your hypothetical Parasite Detox Diet meal plan. It is important to try to buy organic foods whenever possible, as inorganic pesticides in food can be very harmful to your health and can interfere with the cleansing process.
Here are good foods and herbs to eat on the Parasite Detox Diet:
- Garlic
- Onion
- Honey
- Pumpkin seeds
- Dates
- Pomegranate
- Papaya seeds
- Dandelion greens
- Lettuce
- Broccoli
- Kale
- Pineapple
- Coconut
- Carrots
- Sunflower seeds
- Fermented foods
- Stone ground mustard
- Coconut oil
- Apple cider vinegar
- Flaxseed
- Turmeric
- Ginger
- Cinnamon
- Cayenne pepper
- Chili spices
- Curry spices
- Thyme
- Oregano
- Neem
- Aloe vera
- Celery
- Cabbage
- High-quality bone broth
- Asparagus
- Sauerkraut
- Kale
- Mustard Greens
- Swiss chard
- Spinach
- Broccoli
- Grass-Fed Beef Liver
- Kiwi
- Raw Dairy (be cautious of your sourcing)
- Avocado
- Beet Greens
- Parsley
- Wheat Germ Oil
- Cod Liver Oil
- Pasture-Raised Eggs
- Pine Nuts
- Wild Caught Salmon
- Brazil Nuts
- Red Bell Pepper
- Sweet Potatoes
- Sunflower Seeds
- Wild Caught Tuna
- Citrus Fruits
- Amla Berries
- Rose Hips
- Guavas
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Guava Leaves
- Acerola Cherries
- Ruminant Animal Organ Meats
- Grass-Fed Beef
- Bee Pollen
- Stabilized Rice Bran
- Chlorella
- Spirulina
- Kelp
- Grass-Fed Lamb
- Pasture-Raised Chicken
- Nuts and Seeds
- Carrots
- Manuka Honey
- Brussel Sprouts
- Grass-Fed Butter
- Ghee
- Psyllium husks
- Quinoa
- Green Black Walnut Hulls
- Cloves
- Sweet Wormwood
Once again, in summary, here are the foods and substances we recommend avoiding while following the Parasite Detox Diet.
- Sugar especially processed sugar
- Simple carbohydrates (raw sugar, corn syrup, fruit juice concentrate)
- Antibiotics
- Alcohol
- Cigarette smoke
- Junk food and processed foods
Parasite Cleanse Diet Meal Plan Examples
To get a sense of how you can include these anti-parasitic foods and high-fiber foods in your diet, we wanted to provide some parasite diet cleanse recipes and parasite diet meal plan examples. Keep in mind that these are just simple ideas of what you could eat during your cleanse. The main point is to try to include as many anti-parasitic foods and high-fiber foods into your meals as possible to support detoxification of parasites and the elimination of waste in your colon. In addition, it is essential to cut out problem foods and foods or substances that may contain toxins or chemicals that can interfere with your health.
Breakfast foods:
- Oatmeal with chia seeds, coconut flakes, blue berries and protein powder
- Pasture Raised Eggs, Avocado Sourdough Bread and Grilled Zuchinni
Lunch foods:
- Salad with lettuce, dandelion greens, baked chickpeas, sunflower seeds, quinoa, and a stone ground mustard and lemon dressing, with a side of duck eggs
- Pasture Raised Chicken Stir Fry Bowl on Brown Rice, with Green Onions and Yellow Squash
- Quinoa bowl with garlic, onion, spinach, and chili spices, Topped with Wild Caught Halibut
Dinner foods:
- Brown rice and vegetable stir fry with broccoli, kale, carrot, pineapple, ginger topped with Pasture Raised Chicken
- Grass Fed Lamb, with a Side of Grilled Zucchini and Brown Rice
- Curry Bowl with Grilled Bell Peppers, Coconut Milk, and Wild Caught Salmon
Thank you for reading our Parasite Detox Protocol diet guide. Dietary changes are foundational for improving gut health during your cleanse and beyond into the future.
Be patient with yourself and your body during this protocol, and always give yourself some leniency around our recommendations. It takes time to adopt new habits and to take full responsibility for our health. We want to encourage you to always be kind to yourself as you go through these changes and not to beat yourself up if you don’t do it perfectly.
Healing from a place of self-love, self-forgiveness and self-compassion will always be more effective than trying to heal from a place of self-judgment, self-hatred, or self-blame.
It is important to have a good understanding of parasites and parasite infections, and to know the proper protocol for eliminating parasites. But we understand that it is not always as easy to apply this information, as changing our dietary and lifestyle habits can be challenging.
Just remember why you’ve decided to follow this protocol. Keep your health goals in mind and do your best each day to reach them. The more you stick to it, the easier it will become.
As the health of your gut microbiome returns, you’ll begin to see relief from your symptoms and experience a newfound sense of health and vitality.
Enjoy the process, take it one day at a time, and reach out to us if you have any questions. We are here to support you on your health journey!
True Health Starts with Feeding the Body