Gut Health Detoxification

What is Pomegranate Peel? All the Health Benefits

What is Pomegranate Peel? All the Health Benefits

Many people are familiar with the great health benefits of pomegranates. Pomegranates and their juice may help to improve blood pressure, blood glucose, and cholesterol levels. They are also rich in antioxidants and many beneficial plant compounds. Most people are unaware, however, of the many benefits that pomegranate peels offer.


The peel of the pomegranate fruit, usually thought to be inedible, has been used as a medicinal substance in Ayurveda—India’s ancient medical system—for centuries. After being separated from the fruit, the peels can be dried out and ground into a fine powder to be steeped in hot water and consumed as tea or mixed with water to make a paste that can be applied topically. The powder can also be purchased as a supplement.


Research shows that the red peel of the pomegranate fruit comprises about 50% of the fruit and contains more antioxidants than the juice. Due to these high levels of antioxidants, pomegranate peels offer several health benefits.





What Is Pomegranate Peel Used For?


In Ayurvedic medicine, the pomegranate is seen as “a pharmacy unto itself.” The fruit, as well as the peels, are used as a blood tonic to heal many health problems. The polyphenols which are extracted from pomegranate peels have many healing properties and are antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, and have DNA-repairing properties, making pomegranate peels a good alternative for systemic drugs.


What are the Health Benefits of Pomegranate Peel?


Pomegranate peels are exceptionally high in antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds. As a result, they offer many powerful health benefits.


Pomegranate Peel is Used for Treating Bacterial Infections


Pomegranate peel has powerful antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. It is one of the best herbs for killing off toxic bacteria and pathogens in the gut, and can help to overcome harmful infections like giardia and H. Pylori.


Millions of people suffer from infections with pathogenic bacteria, food poisoning and foodborne illnesses like giardia and gastroenteritis. If untreated, these infections can lead to serious digestive issues, fatigue, muscle pains and other uncomfortable health problems. People often think they are better once their symptoms subside, but in reality, pathogenic bacteria can linger in the gut and take over the gut microbiome. This can lead to serious digestive issues like bacterial overgrowth and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.


Pomegranate peel has incredibly potent antimicrobial effects, with an extremely broad range of action against multiple pathogens. This makes it one of the top herbs for treating bacterial infections in the gut. These antimicrobial properties can also help with wound healing.


Pomegranate Peel is Used for Treating Skin Conditions


Pomegranate peels are high in antioxidants and polyphenols and can help in the treatment of various skin conditions, especially inflammatory skin conditions.


Due to the high levels of antioxidants, pastes made from pomegranate peel powder and water can be used to help treat acne and other skin conditions. One study on rats found that pomegranate was an effective acne treatment. However, more research, specifically human studies, is needed to confirm the role of pomegranate peels in treating acne.


Pomegranate peels have also been shown to treat hyperpigmentation, a condition characterized by dark patches of skin. A study involving 30 volunteers with hyperpigmentation found that applying pomegranate masks and serum daily for about 1 month helped lighten areas of hyperpigmentation with no adverse side effects.


Additionally, when used as an ointment, pomegranate peels promoted wound healing in guinea pigs. However, further human studies are needed to verify pomegranate peels for this use.


Pomegranate Peels May Reduce the Risk of Chronic Diseases


The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranate peels may reduce risk factors for chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes. Studies have found that supplementing with 1,000mg of pomegranate peel extract improves cholesterol and blood sugar levels among people that are overweight and people struggling with obesity by acting as an anti-inflammatory agent. Other studies have shown that 500 mg of pomegranate peel extract can improve blood pressure, cholesterol, and hemoglobin A1c, compared with people given a placebo.


Chronic inflammation is at the root of many illnesses. Including anti-inflammatory agents in your diet and limiting foods that trigger an inflammatory response can significantly help to reduce the risk factors for many chronic conditions.


Pomegranate Peel is Used for Improving Brain Function


Oxidative stress plays a critical role in the development of age-related neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. Because pomegranate peels are so high in antioxidants, they might help improve quality of life in people struggling with these types of conditions. There have actually been several animal studies involving pomegranate peel supplementation that have shown promising results. There are less human studies, but some have been conducted. One study including 36 healthy adults found that a supplement containing pomegranate peel extract, along with other plant botanicals, improved cognitive performance. More research is needed, however, to verify the effects of pomegranate peel for brain function.


Pomegranate Peel is Used for Protection Against Hearing Loss


Interestingly, pomegranate peel has been used for protection against hearing loss. Oxidative stress, caused by a build-up of free radicals, is a contributing factor when it comes to age-related hearing loss. Because pomegranate peels are so high in antioxidants, which help to fight free radicals and protect against oxidative damage, they may help prevent age-related hearing loss.


Pomegranate Peel is Used for Dental Health


As a result of pomegranate peel’s strong antibacterial activity, some studies suggest that it may help to treat tooth and gum diseases. When used in a mouth rinse in a study including 30 healthy volunteers, pomegranate peel was shown to help prevent plaque buildup. Another older study found a mouth rinse containing pomegranate peel extract prevented tooth decay in a group of 50 healthy individuals.


Pomegranate Peel May Help Prevent Bone Loss


The high levels of antioxidants in pomegranate peels may also help to prevent bone loss. Some early research and animal studies have indicated that all parts of a pomegranate plant, including the peels, prevented bone loss. Researchers say that this is most likely due to the high levels of antioxidants in pomegranate.


What are the Active Compounds in Pomegranate Peel?


Pomegranate (P. granatum) contains a diverse range of phytochemicals including ellagic acid, punicalagin, pedunculagin, quercetin, rutin, tannic acid, polyphenol, anthocyanins, and catechins. Many of these substances are responsible for pomegranate’s antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.


Is Pomegranate Peel Safe?


Pomegranate, as well as pomegranate peel, are considered safe for most people. Studies have not found any adverse effects from using pomegranate peel powder, but it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before trying anything new.




Pomegranates are an incredibly nutritious and healthy fruit, widely known for their antioxidant properties. The peels of pomegranates actually contain much more antioxidants, as well as other antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.


The peel of the pomegranate fruit, usually thought to be inedible, has been used as a medicinal substance in Ayurveda—India’s ancient medical system—for centuries. After being separated from the fruit, the peels can be dried out and ground into a fine powder to be steeped in hot water and consumed as tea or mixed with water to make a paste that can be applied topically.


Due to their high levels of antioxidants, pomegranate peels offer several health benefits.


In Ayurvedic medicine, the pomegranate fruit, as well as the peels, are used as a blood purifying tonic. The polyphenols which are extracted from pomegranate peels have many healing properties and are antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, and have DNA-repairing properties.


Pomegranate peels are exceptionally high in antioxidants. These antioxidants, along with a few key compounds in pomegranate peel, offer numerous health benefits, such as:


  • Treating bacterial infections
  • Treating skin conditions
  • Reducing the risk of chronic diseases
  • Improving cognitive function
  • Helping to treat rheumatoid arthritis
  • Protecting against age-related hearing loss
  • Improving dental health
  • Preventing bone loss


Pomegranate peels contain many healing properties, and offer many important uses. They are considered to be safe to consume, and there are no current studies documenting any side effects with consumption of pomegranate peels. If you are looking for a powerful and natural medicine for treating infections, reducing inflammation, or increasing oxidation, pomegranate peels are an excellent herbal remedy.







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